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Meet Morgs

I am a firm believer in faith, family, and self-happiness. I believe in people deeply and expect more than what people can usually offer me. My motto in life is everything happens for a reason, the good, bad, and the ugly. Everything that has happened, everything that is going to happen, there is a reason for it. I believe in the power of prayer though it is something I struggle with. There are layers to me, layers everyone knows about and the deep layers only few have tried to get at.  I am a lot of things like a friend, daughter, or companion but, I am survivor, a child of God, a role model, and a strong shoulder. I have always been creative and imaginative, I always made unrealistic plans and goals for how I want my life to go. I found throughout this past year, I enjoy writing down my thoughts and feelings during my recovery. I have also found my love for art and photography again. This is going to be my sanctuary, this is going to be all of my laundry. I hope I can inspire, mo...

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